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The latest news and reviews about the Hydrofoiler XE-1.

New Zealand pilot customer and avid cyclist, Catherine, attended our Customer Ride Day at Lake Tarawera, Rotorua, and talked about her first ride on the XE-1.

“I think that if you do mountain biking, it does give you a bit of an advantage… a lot of it is about [your] balance.”

Chris attended our Customer Ride Day at Lake Tarawera, spending the day learning how to master his 60th surprise birthday gift.

“It’s a unique experience on the water… it’s a really neat sensation for someone that likes water and [the] outdoors.”

U.S. customer, Phil, recently visited New Zealand with his wife to meet with the Manta5 team and ride the XE-1 he has already pre-ordered.

“It’s just like being on a bike, you can put as much effort into it as you want…you can definitely get a superb workout on that.”

Nicolas, an avid cyclist and sailor from France, came along to try out the XE-1 for his first ride.

“I’m cycling quite alot, so when I found this on the internet I found it really interesting… it’s pretty incredible!”

Dan Martin, a Manta5 customer from New Zealand, meets with the Manta5 top team rider, Stacey, to get the hang of the submerged and beach launch.

“It took a bit of time… and a lot of patience. Now it’s just about practice, practice, practice.”

Andy Magness, tech writer for outdoor gear review site GearJunkie, took some time to try out the XE-1 and can see its benefits as a training tool.

“I can see that as a fitness tool going out and doing intervals… cruise for a while, then do 30 seconds on level 2 or 3 to get your heart rate up. It’s pretty cool!”

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